This email was written by a persnickety snob

Time to fess up.

It's true.

I'm a persnickety music snob.

Especially in church.

I admit it.


The secret's out.

Well, it's probably obvious if you've been following me for a while.

You're like, "duh, Doug, we know already!"

Perhaps this confession is more for me to come to grips with, as Jacob says, and as Elder Maxwell often quoted, "things as they really are."

Okay, I accept it.

In fact, I feel it's time to flaunt it.

Not in a Nephite pride-cycle kind of way.

And definitely in a Zoramites up on the high horse of their Rameumptom, "holier than thou" kind of way.

For me, it's MUCH more of a Sons of Mosiah, "Mosiah 28:3" kind of way.

Because I feel SO STRONGLY about the potential for what congregational music and other Sacrament Meeting music CAN be, and what it CAN do, if we decide it's time to raise the bar.

I'm a persnickety Sacrament Meeting music snob because I KNOW how powerfully music can lay the tracks for the freight train of the Spirit ride on.

And where much is given... well, you know the rest.

So, yes.

I'm a SNOB!

I'm a...

S = Steadfast...

N = Neverendingly...

O = Over-Zealous...

B = Believer... the power of high-bar sacred worship music as a ridiculously effective mechanism for building testimonies, soothing souls, and healing emotional and spiritual wounds.

All of that is nice and flowery and sunshine and rainbows.

But it comes down to improving our craft so we can achieve these higher heights.

Even with something as simple as waving your hand around while the congregation sings.

There are SO MANY small and simple things that can bring these GREAT things to pass, all inside the seemingly not-so-important hand waving we do in all our Sacrament Meetings.

Which is why I'm still talking about the upcoming class I'm hosting for improving your Sacrament Meeting music leading.

If that sounds like something you'd like some S.N.O.B.-ish help with, click this link and sign up for the waiting list.

I'm excited to get started soon.

Have a good one!

And, don't worry...

...if you're a S.N.O.B. too...

...let's be S.N.O.B.s together.

Take care,
